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Updated CRA Form in MyFunding

The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) has updated the Corporate Research Agreement (CRA) form in MyFunding. This form is only required to be completed for corporate-funded projects submitted through MyFunding that are processed by the OSP Clinical & Corporate Contracts Team.  

The CRA form was updated to obtain clearer information about projects to ensure agreements are drafted correctly and to help expedite contract negotiations. Research administrators are advised to work closely with Principal Investigators (PIs) to complete the form accurately.

Examples of new or updated questions include:

  • Who developed the research plan/protocol? 
  • Visitors: Will any non-Pitt employees, including company employees, be working in University facilities as part of the research?
  • Third Party Funding: Will the research utilize funding from sources other than the company (including the Government)? This includes unrestricted gift funding and funding from another sponsored project.

Submitting a CRA Form

  1. To submit a CRA form, first navigate to the appropriate funding proposal (FP).


  1.  In the proposal WorkSpace locate the ‘Submit CRA Form’ activity


  1. Complete the form and select OK to submit.


For any questions related to the PERIS™ project, using MyFunding, or to arrange training, please email, or visit the project website for more information. 

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