MyFunding is the University’s legal file of record for sponsored projects. As a result, deleting files from proposal and award records in MyFunding is typically not allowed. However, there are times when there is a valid reason to delete attachments in MyFunding. Examples include, the uploading of a document to the wrong record or uploading of duplicate documents to a record.
Attachments in MyFunding can be deleted in two places.
Funding Proposal Attachments
Documents uploaded using the ‘Add Attachments’ activity can be deleted by following the below steps:
1. Select the funding proposal record in MyFunding
2. Click on the ‘Add Attachments’ activity:
3. Once in the activity, click on the X to the right of the document that will be deleted and click ‘Ok’:
Award Attachments
1. Select the award record in MyFunding
2. Click on the ‘Upload Award Documents’ activity:
3. Once in the activity, click on the X to the right of the document to be deleted and click ‘Ok’:

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