You may need to create an Amendment for an Agreement in MyRA for a variety of reasons - time extension, change in materials/data, change in PI, etc. To create an Amendment, the Agreement must be in ‘Active’ state and with no other pending Amendments.
Reminder: Where are the Continuations Located in MyFunding?
Continuations are initially created from an award in the Award Workspace. Once the set-up process is complete, the Continuation will be located in the MyFunding tab, and in the My Inbox tab of the user who created the record (see Figures 1 & 2).
Figure 1. MyFunding Tab
Award Modification Updates
In response to user feedback, notifications for any requested changes on an Award Modification have been updated to include editors listed on the Award as well as the OSP Specialist (Figure 1).
Note: Principal Investigators will not receive these notifications even if they are also listed as an editor.
Figure 1 – Award Modification Notice
REMINDER: Who Should I Contact When I Have Questions Related to the MyRA Module?
As a reminder, contacting the correct person in the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) will ensure that questions related to agreement actions in MyRA are handled quickly and efficiently.
How to Manage Deliverables in MyFunding
On an Award in MyFunding, an optional activity called Manage Deliverables (Figure 1) is available. With this activity, a list of deliverables can be identified with a specific due date and frequency for each.
How Do I Withdraw an Agreement in MyRA?
The “Withdraw” activity in MyRA is only available to principal investigators (PIs) or their proxies. If the activity is unavailable to you (Figure 1) , please contact to withdraw agreements or contact your Office of Sponsored Programs specialist to discard agreements that are currently in review.
Figure 1. Withdraw Activity on Agreement Workspace
Reminder: Can I Delete Budgets in MyFunding?
Cost Share and Subaward budgets are the only budgets in MyFunding that can be deleted if created in error or are no longer needed (see Figures 1 and 2). All other budgets in MyFunding (including subaccount budgets) cannot be deleted. However, these budgets can be excluded from a proposal budget by selecting ‘No’ to question 7 on the General Budget Information SmartForm (see Figure 3).
Figure 1. Cost Share Budget Workspace
PDF Document Size in SF424
If you receive an error when attaching a document to an SF424 related to the size of a PDF (Figure 1), it is because the attached document is not 8.5x11 inches in size.
If you are receiving this error:
Holidays included in MyFunding OSP Submission Deadline
An enhancement has been made to the MyFunding Budget Periods and Key Dates SmartForm. The calculation for the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) internal deadlines now correctly incorporates Pitt holidays into the dates excluded from the OSP 4 business days submission deadline. (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Budget Periods and Key Dates
How to Copy an Agreement in MyRA
In response to user feedback, the ability to copy an agreement in MyRA is now available to editors listed on the agreement.
This activity is located on the left-hand side of the workspace (Figure 1). Once copied, the History will display a link to the new agreement (Figure 1: MTA00011506).
Figure 1.
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