A required component of a National Institutes of Health (NIH) individual fellowship, “F series”, application is a PHS Fellowship Supplemental Form. This form should be completed in accordance with applicable Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) and agency specific policies and requirements. The requirement of this form will differ for each fellowship application and the type of application being submitted (i.e., renewals versus resubmissions).
Currently, users are receiving a validation error after executing the “Hide/Show Errors” activity for a resubmission application in the MyFunding module of the PERIS™ portal, (shown below):
However, in accordance with the PHS Fellowship Supplemental Form instructions (shown below), the Progress Report Publication List is only required when completing a renewal application.
To address this issue, the department administrator should route the funding proposal resubmission using the normal routing procedure to the Specialist in the Office of Research, who will bypass the error before final submission to the sponsor.
Future updates to the MyFunding module of the PERIS™ portal will resolve this validation, but until those updates are implemented, please follow the instructions above.
For any questions related to the PERIS™ project, using MyFunding, or to arrange training, please email perisproject@pitt.edu, or visit the project website for more information.
To sign-up for the PERIS ™ Listserv, please visit https://list.pitt.edu/mailman/listinfo/peris-listserv.

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