Prior to the rollout of MyFunding, MyRA was the University’s electronic system primarily used for the development, routing, and submission of non-financial agreements (i.e. Material Transfer Agreements, Data Use Agreements, and Confidentiality Agreements).
As part of the PERIS™ project, MyRA has been enhanced to allow the Office of Sponsored Programs (formerly the Office of Research) to track the negotiation of funded agreements. This enhancement was accomplished by adding the Sponsored Research Agreement (SRA) type to question 4 ‘Agreement Type’ on the ‘Basic Information’ page in MyRA (as shown below).
This agreement type should only be used by the Office of Sponsored Programs and is not an agreement type that should be used by anyone outside of the Office of Sponsored Programs.
If a funded agreement requires negotiation, the Specialist in the Office of Sponsored Programs will create an SRA to track the progress of the agreement’s negotiations and reference the SRA in the MyFunding Funding Award.
To view the status of a funded agreement that requires negotiation, follow the steps below:
1. Log into MyRA at using your Pitt sign-on credentials.
2. Click on the ‘Agreements’ tab at the top of the page:

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