Changes are sometimes required to be made to a funding proposal after submission to a sponsor. When a changed/corrected application is required in the MyFunding module, a member of the proposal team must notify the Specialist in the Office of Research by using the ‘Email Specialist’ activity in MyFunding, so that the SF-424 application, funding proposal, and budget can be re-opened for editing. Once re-opened, the proposal team can make the changes to the application.
Once the changes are complete, the proposal team should use the 'Email Specialist' activity (shown below) to notify the Specialist in the Office of Research that the changed/corrected application is ready for submission to the sponsor.
Withdrawing applications that have already been successfully submitted to the sponsor so that changes/corrections can be made, requires approval from Dr. Jennifer Woodward, Vice Chancellor for Research Operations. Approval will only be granted when the requested change can be justified to have a direct scientific impact on the research proposal. For additional information on withdrawing successfully submitted grant applications, please click here.
Please note: Changed/corrected applications do not follow the same routing process as the initial application and are not reviewed by the department or school. Once the Specialist submits the changed/corrected application to the sponsor, the proposal team will receive a ‘Corrected Funding Proposal Submitted to Sponsor’ notification (shown below).
Subject: Corrected Funding Proposal FP00001234 Submitted to Sponsor
If you have specific questions regarding a changed/corrected application, please contact your Specialist.
For any questions related to the PERIS™ project, using MyFunding, or to arrange training, please email, or visit the project website for more information.
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