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How Do I Provide Award Access in MyFunding to Other Users?

Only individuals listed as ‘Award Editors’ on an award record in MyFunding can provide award access to other users. Below are the steps for providing editing rights and read-only access to awards in MyFunding. Adding Individuals on Draft Awards To provide other users with ‘edit rights’ to awards in a ‘Draft’ state, the current Award Editor will add these individuals on the ‘General Award Information’ page in question 23. To provide other users with ‘read-only rights’ to awards in a ‘Draft’ state, the current Award Editor will add these individuals on the ‘General Award Information’ page in question 24. Adding Individuals on Active Awards To provide other users with ‘edit rights’ and/or ‘read-only rights’ on an award in an ‘Active’ state, the current Award Editor will add these individuals using the ‘Manage Guest List’ activity in the Award Workspace. Once the ‘Manage Guest List’ activity is executed, the current Award Editor will add these individuals in question 1 and 2.
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