The new Sponsored Projects Facilities and Administrative (F&A) indirect cost rates for fiscal years 2020 -2023 are now reflected in MyFunding and should be used immediately in proposal applications.
MyFunding displays a blended (average) indirect cost (IDC) rate when the budget period crosses fiscal years (FY) that have different indirect cost rates.
In the example below, Period 3 crosses fiscal years 2022 and 2023. The IDC rates for FY22 and FY23 are 56.5% and 59%, respectively. Therefore, the IDC rate for Period 3 is displayed as a blended (average) rate of 57.76%.
Please note: Blended rates are calculated automatically in MyFunding for internal purposes only to show the effective rate for the budget period. For all proposals submitted system-to-system, the SF-424 application Research & Related Budget will display the IDC rates separately as required by the agency (please see section H. of the SF-424 application below).

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