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Funding Proposal Access in MyFunding

Who has access to a funding proposal in MyFunding and how do I grant access to a funding proposal? Funding Proposal Access The MyFunding module of the PERIS™ Solution operates on role-based security. Prior to the roll-out of MyFunding, each department was required to complete a security template. This security template established the individuals who would be responsible for completing reviews for each funding proposal. The security template also established levels of security for individuals within the department based on their role.

Changed/Corrected Applications in MyFunding

Changes are sometimes required to be made to a funding proposal after submission to a sponsor. When a changed/corrected application is required in the MyFunding module, a member of the proposal team must notify the Specialist in the Office of Research by using the ‘Email Specialist’ activity in MyFunding, so that the SF-424 application, funding proposal, and budget can be re-opened for editing.

What do I Select For Indirect Costs in MyFunding?

The University of Pittsburgh publishes annually its Sponsored Program Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs Rate Memorandum and corresponding Rate Agreement. The rate memorandum outlines the specific rates for the three major functions or activities under which sponsored projects are carried out by educational institutions: sponsored research, sponsored instruction and training, and other sponsored activities.

How to Use the 'Create-Update SF424' Activity in MyFunding

When processing a proposal in MyFunding that will be submitted ‘System-to-System/ via Click Grants (SF424)’, such as an R01 to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), it is necessary to create an ‘SF424’ as part of the funding proposal. The SF424 is a separate component of the funding proposal and is transmitted directly to the sponsor. After the funding proposal and budget are created in MyFunding, the SF424 must be generated to allow the Specialist in the Office of Research to submit the final grant application.

Withdrawn/Not Funded Proposals in MyFunding

When a Specialist in the Office of Research executes the ‘Withdraw Submitted or Not Funded’ activity, the state of the funding proposal will change from ‘Pending Sponsor Review’ to ‘Withdrawn From Sponsor’ or ‘Not Funded’ as seen below: sponsor process This state change can only be executed by a Specialist in the Office of Research and is typically done for the following reasons:
  1. A Principal Investigator lea