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New functionality has been added to the ‘Log Comment’ feature in MyRA.


Continuations are initially created from an award in the Award Workspace.


As a reminder, corrupted PDF files uploaded in MyFunding or the SF-424 can cause validation errors.


The SF424 forms that are used for System-to-System (i.e., via Grants.Gov) submissions have been upgraded in MyFunding to allow f


A known vendor issue impacts the Research & Related (R&R) Subaward Budget Attachment(s) Form in the SF-424 application in MyFunding, resulting in a validation warning message being incorrectly


When an individual needs added to MyFunding or requires a different level of MyFunding access, contact the PERISTM Team at with


As a reminder of the SF-424 update on January 26, 2022, please continue to use one of the following tips for


MyFunding will undergo scheduled maintenance on Friday, July 29, 2022 from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM ET. If the downtime lasts longer than the expected time period, we will issue a follow-up notification.


MyFunding will undergo scheduled maintenance on Thursday, July 14, 2022 from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM ET. If the downtime lasts longer than the expected time period, we will issue a follow-up notification.


The PERIS™ Team has been receiving Conflict of Interest-related emails that are more appropriately addressed by the Pitt Conflic


The PERIS™ Team continues to receive a large number of requests to add new sponsors/subrecipients to MyFunding with incomplete details. Therefore, as a reminder, when a Sponsor or Subrecipient is not


RESOLVED The issue impacting the Budget Reconciliation SmartForm has been resolved. Thank you for your patience.


A known issue is impacting the Budget Reconciliation SmartForm in MyFunding. The PERIS™ team is working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible and will alert users once this has been corrected.


MyFunding will undergo scheduled maintenance on Friday, June 24, 2022 from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM ET. If the downtime lasts longer than the expected time period, we will issue a follow-up notification.


The following tips can be used to ensure the ‘PI Certification request’ is sent correctly.