Alerts and Notifications
06/07/2023 - 09:51
05/23/2023 - 10:38
As a reminder, uploading the R&R Subaward Budget V3.0 Form in the MyFunding ‘SF424 Subaward Import’ SmartForm will result in an error.
05/10/2023 - 11:19
As a reminder, uploading the R&R Subaward Budget V3.0 Form in the MyFunding ‘SF424 Subaward Import’ SmartForm will result in an error.
05/04/2023 - 08:35
REVISED: In response to user feedback and to minimize the impact on known deadlines as much as possible, the MyFunding upgrade has CHANGED.
03/31/2023 - 13:21
Some users are experiencing intermittent difficulty accessing Grants.Gov, resulting in errors (see Figure 1 example).
03/29/2023 - 16:29
As a reminder, the following tips can be used to ensure the ‘PI Certification request’ is sent correctly.
03/23/2023 - 13:43
Grants.Gov is experiencing technical difficulties associated with proposal creation and submission, resulting
03/21/2023 - 10:31
Only individuals who have ‘edit rights’ on a MyFunding record can provide record access to other users.
03/01/2023 - 17:42
MyFunding Department and School Reviewers can be found under the Reviewers tab in the funding proposal and award workspace.
02/15/2023 - 17:45
As a follow-up to the MyFunding SF424 Upgrade notice, please see the following information regarding the ‘Data Managem
01/26/2023 - 18:07
The ‘Generate PDF Version’ feature for proposals that will be submitted in MyFunding System-to-System (i.e., via Grants.Gov) has
01/18/2023 - 18:14
New functionality has been added to the ‘Log Comment’ feature in MyRA.
01/18/2023 - 16:23
Continuations are initially created from an award in the Award Workspace.