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Can I Delete Budgets in MyFunding?

No, budgets (including subaccount budgets) cannot be deleted in MyFunding (see Figure 1). The following tips can be used to make the budget distinct and to exclude it from the proposal budget (see Figure 5). Figure 1. MyFunding workspace Rename the budget title in question 1 with “DO NOT USE” and select “no” to question 9 on the General Budget Information page (see Figure 2). Figure 2.

Change in MyFunding Personnel Compliance Tab FAQs

As a follow-up to the changes in the MyFunding Personnel Compliance Tab that was released on August 18, 2021, the below frequently asked questions (FAQs) have been generated. This information will be located on the FAQ page of the PERIS™ project website. 1. Why are my Principal Investigator’s CITI training modules showing as ‘Incomplete’ when both the RCR and CITI COI are current? Only CITI training modules for users who completed the training under a Pitt username will be displayed at this time.

Change in MyFunding Personnel Compliance Tab

The Personnel Compliance tab has been changed in MyFunding (see Figure 1 for example). Changes include: 1 – ‘IP Assignment’ column will display ‘Not on File’ or ‘On File’. 2 – ‘CITI Training’ column has been added to include the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) and Conflicts of Interest (COI) trainings, status, and expiration date(s). 3 – ‘Most Recent COI Disclosure’ column has been added. Figure 1.

REMINDER: Remember to Update Your Proposal Submission Status in MyFunding

Departments are required to update the status of their proposals in MyFunding when proposals are submitted by the Department directly to the sponsor. Once the proposal is submitted to the sponsor, the Department should select the ‘Submit to Non-Grants Gov Sponsor’ activity and attach a copy of the submitted proposal (see Figures 1 and 2). Figure 1. Figure 2.