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How Do I Edit the Salary Cap in MyFunding?

Many federal agencies, such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH), impose salary limitations (caps) for awards. MyFunding will pre-populate salary cap information on the Personnel Page of the Budget form (see Figure 1). When a sponsor does not have a salary cap, or the salary cap differs from what is pre-populated, the field can be edited. For example, the U.S. Department of Defense does not have a salary cap. Click the field and enter a figure that will exceed the individual’s salary (see Figure 2).

Who Should I Contact When I Have Questions Related to the PERIS™ Project or the MyFunding Module?

Contacting the correct person in the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) will ensure that questions related to MyFunding and the PERIS™ project are handled quickly and efficiently. For non-technical questions related to the preparation of a funding proposal or an award action within the MyFunding module, contact the OSP Specialist listed in the MyFunding record.