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As a reminder, corrupted PDF files uploaded in MyFunding or the SF-424 can cause validation errors.


Contacting the correct person in the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) will ensure that questions related to agreement actions in MyRA are handled quickly and efficiently. For non-technical questions related to non-financial agreem


Contacting the correct person in the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) will ensure that questions related to agreement actions in MyRA are handled quickly and efficiently. For non-technical questions related to non-financial agreem


As a reminder, do not reply directly to MyFunding email notifications sent from


Cost Share and Subaward budgets can be deleted in MyFunding if created in error or no longer needed. Other budgets in MyFunding (including subaccount budgets) cannot be deleted.


Users can update the Department Administrator, Editors, and Readers on


In response to user feedback, the following enhancements have been made to Continuations in MyFunding. The changes include: 1 – The long title has been added to the workspace for Continuations (Figure 1). 2 – The ‘PI Certification Request’ has bee


When logging into MyFunding and MyRA, it is recommended that users go through to ensure the applications are accessed via a trusted website (see Figures 1 & 2).


To submit an outgoing subaward request to the Office of Sponsored Programs in MyRA, include yourself as an Editor in question 5 on the Basic Information SmartForm. Otherwise, an error will be generated (see Figures 1 & 2). Figure 1.


To exclude indirect costs on travel, select ‘No’ to ‘Travel’ in question 6 on the General Budget Information SmartForm. Using the Travel Grid in MyFunding is not recommended (Figure 1).


The University has seen a significant increase in the federal government’s issuance of Other Transaction Agreements (OTAs) over the past several years.


The University has seen a significant increase in the federal government’s issuance of


The University has seen a significant increase in the federal government’s issuance of