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As a reminder, uploading the R&R Subaward Budget V3.0 Form in the MyFunding ‘SF424 Subaward Import’ SmartForm will result in an error.


As a reminder, uploading the R&R Subaward Budget V3.0 Form in the MyFunding ‘SF424 Subaward Import’ SmartForm will result in an error.


As a reminder, the following tips can be used to ensure the ‘PI Certification request’ is sent correctly.


Only individuals who have ‘edit rights’ on a MyFunding record can provide record access to other users.


MyFunding Department and School Reviewers can be found under the Reviewers tab in the funding proposal and award workspace.


The SF424 forms that are used for System-to-System (i.e., via Grants.Gov) submissions have been upgraded in MyFunding to allow for NIH FORMS-H submissions. Upgrades include:


When an individual needs added to MyFunding or requires a different level of MyFunding access, contact the PERISTM Team at with the request.


As a reminder of the SF-424 update on January 26, 2022, please continue to use one of the following tips for including the Research and Related (R&R) Subaw


The PERIS™ Team has been receiving Conflict of Interest-related emails that are more appropriately addressed by the Pitt Conflict of Interest Division.


In response to user feedback, the ‘Total Project Direct Costs’ and ‘Total Project Indirect Costs’ fields have been added to the Financial Setup SmartForm in MyFunding Award Modifications.


As a reminder, it is important to include the length of the budget period when inputting the budget allocations in Awards.


When a Sponsor or Subrecipient is not listed in MyFunding, contact the PERISTM Team at to have the organization added to the solution for selection.


As a follow-up to the SF424 MyFunding Upgrade notice below, proposals that were created prior to the update may receive an ‘unsupported’ error message on the Funding Opportunity Announcement page (see Figure 1). Figure 1.


As a follow-up to the below notice about the Upcoming SF424 Upgrade in MyFunding, proposals that do not require Forms-G can continue to be submitted system-to-system (i.e., via Grants.Gov) in MyFunding.


As a reminder, contacting the correct person in the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) will ensure that questions related to MyFunding and the PERIS™ project are handled quickly and efficiently.