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Changes to Continuations in MyFunding

In response to user feedback, the following enhancements have been made to Continuations in MyFunding. The changes include: 1 – The long title has been added to the workspace for Continuations (Figure 1). 2 – The ‘PI Certification Request’ has been updated to send the notification to all individuals with the PD/PI role. Additional Principal Investigators (PIs) no longer need to upload certifications as attachments (Figures 1 and 2). Please see the associated Quick Guide for instructions on triggering PI Certifications. Figure 1.

How to Exclude Indirect Costs on Travel in MyFunding

To exclude indirect costs on travel, select ‘No’ to ‘Travel’ in question 6 on the General Budget Information SmartForm. Using the Travel Grid in MyFunding is not recommended (Figure 1). Travel options will appear as a ‘General cost type’ on the General Cost Definition SmartForm. Select ‘No’ to question 5 to exclude indirect calculations (Figure 2). Figure 1. General Budget Information SmartForm Figure 2.

REMINDER: Request for PI Certification

As a reminder, the following tips can be used to ensure the ‘PI Certification request’ is sent correctly. If the Principal Investigator (PI) has not received the certification request after the below tips have been applied, please contact the PERIS™ Team at Tip No. 1 Ensure the correct user profile is selected. Search by the PI’s Pitt username (USER ID filter) in an advanced search (see Figure 1). Figure 1.