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Withdrawn/Not Funded Proposals in MyFunding

Please find below important information from the PERIS™ team. The topics of this communication include: • Withdrawn/Not Funded Proposals in MyFunding • Upcoming Topic Specific Training Sessions Withdrawn/Not Funded Proposals in MyFunding As a reminder, when a Specialist in the Office of Research executes the ‘Withdraw Submitted or Not Funded’ activity, the state of the funding proposal will change from ‘Pending Sponsor Review’ to ‘Withdrawn From Sponsor’ or ‘Not Funded’ as seen below:

Where Should Documents be Uploaded for an Award in MyFunding?

All award-related documents should be uploaded using the “Upload Award Documents” activity in the MyFunding award workspace (as shown below). Documents to be uploaded include official sponsor award communications such as Notices of Award (NOAs), compliance documents including IRB and IACUC approvals, COI Training Tables, and any other documents related to the award. For any questions related

How do I Search for an Award Converted from InfoEd into MyFunding?

Active projects and projects that closed on or after July 1, 2017 have been converted from InfoEd into MyFunding. Each converted project record in MyFunding has a specific prefix along with the InfoEd award number (I#) for easy identification. The specific prefix for converted awards is “CNVA” followed by zero and the project I# (ex: CNVA00010745).

Why can I not find a specific subcode on the Budget Reconciliation page in MyFunding?

The PERIS™ Team and Sponsored Projects Accounting (SPA) teamed up to develop the listing of subcodes (cost categories) in MyFunding. As a result, Pitt’s thirty-five most used subcodes are listed in the “Budget Reconciliation” page of an award and are available for use when creating a budget in MyFunding.

Remember to Update Your Proposal Submission Status in MyFunding

As a reminder from the tip that was released on January 19, 2018, Departments are required to update the status of their proposals in MyFunding when they submit the proposals directly to the sponsor. Once the proposal is submitted to the sponsor, the Department should select the “Submit to Non-Grants Gov Sponsor” activity on the left-hand toolbar and attach a copy of the submitted proposal.